Database Resources
The Alaska Vegetation Plots Database (AKVEG) is an open access repository of plot data from spatially explicit, extensive vegetation studies and ecological monitoring surveys. AKVEG enables users to analyze vegetation plot data from multiple projects conducted across Alaska according to a common schema and taxonomic standard, which are critical prerequisites to regional ecological analyses and mapping. Data focus on vegetation composition, vegetation structure, environmental characteristics, and soils. Data are reported at the site level except where otherwise noted. A map of sites included in the database and a table showing the current database status are below. The AKVEG database is maintained by the Alaska Center for Conservation Science with cooperation and support from the Alaska Vegetation Technical Working Group, federal and state agencies, and University of Alaska.
The AKVEG database and this web interface are currently under construction (last updated 2020-10-18). Data are accessible through query tools on this site for project, site, foliar cover, vegetation heights (under construction), and environmental characteristics. For programmatic access, you can also download the database for local replication. We plan to implement read only programmatic access to the data in the future. Metadata fields are included with the data tables. The database schema (under construction) provides the data types and relationships for all fields in AKVEG. The data dictionary (under construction) provides all possible attribute values for constrained fields. For further help using the AKVEG database, please contact the database manager, Timm Nawrocki.
Taxonomic Standard
Because the individual species and infraspecies of vascular plants, bryophytes, and lichens are the fundamental scalable units that compose vegetation, a standard taxonomy is the critical tool to reconcile multi-origin vegetation observation data. AKVEG includes an integrated Checklist of Vascular Plants, Bryophytes, Lichens, and Lichenicolous Fungi of Alaska. You can also explore the Checklist broken out by major group using the buttons below. Because the vascular plant checklist is integrated with the new Flora of Alaska project, please refer to that site for further information on the vascular plants. For information on the development of the Checklist and a list of citations, refer to the About the Checklist page. The synonymized checklist forms a taxonomic standard that reconciles names applied across time and by different groups.